Free PHP SHOUTcast statistics script

Yes, another SHOUTcast statistics script, but with a slight difference.

Add the listeners from multiple servers

Many online radio stations have more than one server for their audio, whether they are used for relaying the original stream or re-encoding the bitrate or audio format for different listeners. This script is simple to set up and allows you to see how many listeners you have across all of your servers without having to go to each individual server Admin page.

It also includes a simple bar chart for each server so that you can see how full it is.

Download script here for free

Shoutcast statistics for multiple servers
If you use this script, please leave the link and copyright notice at the bottom of the page. Other than that, feel free to edit it however you wish.

SHOUTcast multiple server script demo

Click here for the SHOUTcast multiple server Script demo

Version history

v1.0 Initial release.